Recent Articles

Progressively Taxing

, Melinda Zosh

Health insurance for the unemployed, more money for non-profits, and “Pay-As-You-Drive Car Insurance” are three “new ideas” panelists have proposed for the new progressive agenda.

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Military Occupation

, Ben Giles

David Edelstein argues for one major variable of success for military occupancy, and his research shows that the War in Iraq has done a poor job of recognizing this all-important factor.

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Warm and Fuzzy Global Regulation

, Bethany Stotts

Václav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic, told a Competitive Enterprise Institute audience last week that he believes climate change forms the ideal political issue because its dogma cannot be disproven.

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Saving the Banana Boys

, Deborah Lambert

Some creative high-school seniors at Zion-Benton High school in Waukegan, Illinois recently thought up what they believed to be the perfect harmless prank.

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Global Warming On the Rocks

, Emily Ham

As the congressional curtains open on the Lieberman-Warner “Climate Security Act,” the subjects of higher taxes, job expansion and economic growth are taking center stage in many people’s minds.

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Biblical Trojan Horse

, Paul M. Weyrich

Alabama State Senator Scott Beason has turned out to be the principal opponent of a new textbook, the Bible and Its Influence, backed by liberals for schools which want to teach about the Bible.

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Recent Articles

Academic Animal Studies/Farm

, Malcolm A. Kline

George Orwell might have been amused. Academia is well on its way to quite literally becoming Animal Farm. Indeed, the very first day of the latest Modern Language Association (MLA) convention featured a panel on…

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Rock, Paper, Scissors

, Malcolm A. Kline

It’s interesting that some of the same people who go ballistic at the suggestion that corporations are people are quite willing to ascribe human attributes to inhuman things.  “I’m out to prove that rocks are…

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