Recent Articles

Of Georgetown Law and Abu Ghraib

, Malcolm A. Kline

A gathering of academics and human rights activists at Georgetown Law last week delivered some predictable broadsides at the Bush regime but also some unexpected critiques of the Clinton Administration.

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Campus Populist

, Bethany Stotts

Jim Hightower, America’s #1 populist and corporate critic, talks about on-campus progressive advocacy and his new book, Swim Against the Current.

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Recent Articles

Pros and Cons of Tenure

, Malcolm A. Kline

At year’s end, we thought, looking over copy for 2015, that we could get a snapshot of how tenure works in academe. Ultimately, we came up with 14 arguments for tenure and thirteen against but…

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Muslim Voices Against Radical Extremism

, Spencer Irvine

At the Heritage Foundation recently, several voices against radical Islam and extreme Islamist ideology stood as a stark contrast to the spokesmen represented in the typical 24-hour news cycle. Naser Khader, a member of parliament…

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