Recent Articles

War On Terror On Campus

, Elizabeth Ruiz

The David Horowitz Freedom Center announced today that it has launched a Terrorism Awareness Project to combat the complacency and disinformation in American universities about the intentions of the radical Islamists who escalated the holy war on the United States and the West on September 11, 2001.

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Campus Roundup

, Garreth Bloor

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi’s answer to the problem of soaring college costs is a problem in itself according to research.

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The Organized Catholic Ethic

, Malcolm A. Kline

In their zealous push for every item on the countercultural agenda, modern-day labor leaders and their alleged academic supporters may be alienating some of their natural allies.

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Citizen Collegiates?

, Garreth Bloor

Higher Education in the United States is causing a “Coming Crisis in Citizenship” and the situation has prompted renewed efforts by groups like the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), the Young America’s Foundation and the Leadership Institute to name but three.

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Kindergarten Censorship Update

, Mathew D. Staver

A trial concerning the censorship of art depicting Jesus Christ starts today
in the federal case of Peck v. Baldwinsville School District.
The case involves a school district’s censorship of a kindergartner’s
art poster containing a picture of Jesus.

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California Credentials Questioned

, Rachel Chaney

We should streamline our credentialing system so that every child has access to teachers highly qualified not because they hold a paper credential but because they demonstrate subject-matter competence, classroom performance, and passion for their job.

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Recent Articles

Public College Plutocrats

, Malcolm A. Kline

When Hillary Clinton, President Obama and other progressives rail against “the fortunate,” “the haves,” and “the lucky,” don’t expect them to rail against public college presidents, no matter how much they richly, every pun intended,…

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UNC Accused of Bias Against Conservatives

, Spencer Irvine

This is nothing new, on-campus bias against conservatives, conservative groups and their messages by the liberal academia. No conservative was invited to an all-inclusive diversity dinner with the university’s chancellor this past January.

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Study Marxism to Understand Hillary Clinton

, Cliff Kincaid

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s speech that launched his presidential campaign on Monday noted that Hillary Clinton’s “progressive agenda” includes the admonition that traditional religious beliefs “have to be changed.” Mrs. Clinton’s entire quote, in…

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