Recent Articles

Math Classic Returns

, Lindalyn Kakadelis

Time after time, our feel-good, faddish government education system blithely abandons proven teaching practices for the “pedagogy du jour.” When fads fail – and they invariably do – educators “discover” what others have known all along: namely, that learning requires hard work, lots of it.

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Campus Backlog

, Malcolm A. Kline

In the he said/she said dialogue I recently entered into with American Federation of Teachers editor Beverly McKenna, I told her that I would post her response to my article in which I quoted her allegations that academia lacked bias. “Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you,” I wrote. “Come to think of it, if there is so little bias in academia, why am I backlogged?”

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Fighting the NCAA

, Don Irvine

Thanks to an injunction issued by a state judge the University of North Dakota’s sports teams will get to keep using their nickname.

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UWI Badgers Catholics

, David French

The Alliance Defense Fund’s Center for Academic Freedom filed a lawsuit today on behalf of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Roman Catholic Foundation against the regents of the University of Wisconsin, seeking an end to their latest attack on the free speech and freedom of association rights of religious groups on the system’s campuses

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Civil Rights Win In Michigan

, Don Irvine

One thing that is being lost in the liberal media euphoria about the Democratic takeover of the House and Senate is the fact that most of the ballot initiatives or referendums that conservatives supported passed easily. One of the more contentious of these initiatives was Proposal 2 in Michigan which would amend the Michigan state constitution to prohibit all state agencies, including colleges from operating affirmative action programs that grant preferences based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin or gender.

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Black Backlash

, Malcolm A. Kline

Blacks in inner cities who have had enough of public schools are discovering they have other ways of escaping than through the vouchers that mostly white public officials are trying so desperately to curtail or control.

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Recent Articles

The Living Wage Diaspora

, Malcolm A. Kline

Believe it or not there is actual evidence that illegal immigration does depress wages for the native-born but you are not likely to hear about it in the multitude of classes that touch on various…

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