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Animal Liberation 101

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The Animal Liberation Front, one of the most serious domestic terror threats according to the FBI, has been wreaking havoc on universities for years, causing millions of dollars in property damage by raiding research laboratories, but now a professor of philosophy is accused of helping support their terrorism.

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Art for PC Sake

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Defenders of the status quo in education like to portray themselves as on a higher plane than critics of same but a look at what they are defending usually leaves the uninitiated wondering why such an allegedly highbrow crowd goes in for enterprises that could, at best, be described as lowbrow.

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The Dropout Dilemma

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American high schools are again under fire, and this time, Judge Manning (the judge presiding over the Leandro case) isn’t the one fanning the flames. Rather, Governors from most of the states have entered the fray, calling for reforms to American high schools and to data collection on graduation rates.

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CINO Again

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One would think that the College of the Holy Cross (HC) would actually have one of the religious artifacts on display but the only one we could find on the web site was attached to an “o” that is the symbol of the women’s studies program at the Worcester, Mass. School, and of the feminist movement itself.

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For the Children?

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Their slogan is “Great Public Schools for Every Child.” At its 143rd annual convention, the National Education Association (NEA) offered up a few novel approaches to achieve this goal. Mike Reitz, director of the Labor Policy Center at the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, shares some of the proposals that came up at the NEA’s recent convention.

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