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Activist Academics at MLA

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If the largest conclave of college English professors in the country sometimes sounded like a Democratic Party strategy session at the Modern Language Association meeting late last year, it might be because the two groups’ membership rolls have an overlap.

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Thoroughly Modern MLA

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In a way, the largest collection of English professors in the country—the Modern Language Association (MLA)—is true to at least the first part of its name. What many laymen think of as the classics—British literature up to the 20th Century—is the focus of about one-tenth of the hundreds of panel discussions at the MLA annual meeting.

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Inside the MLA

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Even sympathetic observers of the Modern Language Association (MLA) offer up vignettes about what may be the world’s largest collection of English professors that make the group look rather odd.

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MLA Guide to World War II

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The often-esoteric Modern Language Association is commemorating a conflict too rapidly fading from collective memory—World War II— but the eclectic amalgamation of thousands of college and high school English professors is doing so in a manner that obscures key facts about the war, namely, what was at stake.

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MLA Lexicon

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If the MLA convention speakers are any indication, English professors have a penchant for made up, misused and awkwardly constructed words. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention held in Washington, D.C.

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