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DePaul University’s Polyamory Studies

, Accuracy in Academia

The event’s description sought to “dig past the surface conversation surrounding polyamory and open relationships” and examine “the ways soisl [sic] identity impact the conversations and the embodiment of open and polygamous [sic] relationships.”

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A Warning Academia Failed To Heed

, Malcolm A. Kline

More than a quarter of a century ago, the late great sage Russel Kirk made a stunningly prescient analysis of the woes of academe in the United States that university presidents would be well advised to revisit.

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Academics In Hole Keep Digging

, Malcolm A. Kline

Every time veteran college administrators and professors get together to show that they know how to save higher education, they show that they don’t. “Another solution is to sponsor new academic programs,” Brian C. Mitchell…

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A Man In Full

, Malcolm A. Kline

Perhaps there was a time when great writers were welcomed in academia and appreciated the time they spent there. This isn’t that time.

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