Pro-life students often find themselves to be a beleaguered lot, and not just on Catholic campuses.
Read the articleNow it’s Barack Obama’s turn at bat at the department of Education and we are looking at more expensive strikeouts.
Read the articleStanford University’s John W. Gardner Center and The Center for American Progress have found a way to dip into education – they want to turn traditional schools into full service hubs, something they like to call “community schools.”
Read the articleThe Obama Administration’s ruling that Catholic institutions, including schools, provide birth control, sterilization and abortificants on demand may have had a unifying effect they never bargained for—of Catholics against the policy.
Read the articleConservatism and education: two things you don’t often see mixed together – except when the federal government gets caught extending its hand into the classroom.
Read the articleAccuracy in Academia has signed onto a letter to the U. S. Department of Education urging the agency not to encourage more restrictive speech codes at colleges and universities.
Read the articleIn American University’s law school lecture series this Spring, legal training is virtually indistinguishable from community organizing.
Read the articleThe University of Scranton, which bills itself as “a nationally recognized Catholic and Jesuit university in Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains region,” has invited a pro-choice speaker to its campus—former U. S. Rep. Marjorie Margolies.
Read the articleSeattle, WA— At the Modern Language Association (MLA) annual meeting last week, English professor Joseph Ramsey pretty much said that when college activists in the faculty and the student body are finished hibernating, they will go back to doing the one thing that we know collegiates for decades have been trained to do—protest.
Read the articleOne of many ways to gauge the political tilt of academia is to see how many cabinet members from past presidential administrations have obtained academic berths.
Read the articleDr. Anthony Bradley, author of the new book Black and Tired: Essays on Race, Politics, Culture, and International Development, spoke at the Heritage Foundation about his research on the downward moral trend of black culture in America.
Read the articleThe tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2011 attacks upon the United States has inspired academics attempting to diminish its importance to get uncharacteristically quantitative.
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