
Current Wisdom, Perspectives

The New Lilliputians

“Gulliver (the United States) can’t get up because the Lilliputians (the government) are tying him down.”—Mike Morris, chairman and CEO, American Electric Power Company, Inc., July 19, 2011, The Atlantic forum on The New Work Era.

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Shrinking Academic Bloat

According to Derek Bok, a former president of Harvard, “universities share one characteristic with compulsive and exiled royalty; there is never enough money to satisfy their desires.”

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News, Perspectives

Palintologists @ The MLA

At almost any gathering of the self-described intellectual elite, it seems that irrationally celebrating hatred of Sarah Palin is practically mandatory.  The 2011 Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention was no different.

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Iraq & Hard Place

One of the crowning ironies of the age, to use a really pretentious phrase, is that the main site of anti-war rallies staged over the past decade—academia—is also the source of American foreign policy in Iraq.

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Guest Articles, Perspectives

Catholicism Coopted

Some pro-life Catholics are acting shocked that the Vatican warmly greeted the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama, who is pro-abortion. They don’t seem to understand that the Vatican and Obama agree on most major international issues.

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