
Guest Articles, Perspectives

Fear God, Guarantee Liberty

Every complex society is led by a class of politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, lawyers, judges, intellectuals, and other people who know how to influence it. Once this political or ruling class ceases to fear God, it will begin to enhance its power at the expense of the liberty of the people.

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New Summertime Blues

President Obama doesn’t just have plans to reform American policies on health care, national security, and international relations—he also has great plans for education reform, including lengthening both school days and school years.

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Shouldering the Burden of War

About three years ago, when antiwar panels and antiwar sloganeering were the order of the day at my college, I predicted such impassioned protests would end—not when American military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan was terminated—but when a Democrat, and preferably one on the social left, became president.

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Robert Novak, Rest in Peace

Novak was to journalism
what Ty Cobb was to baseball. Just as Ty Cobb mastered the skills of
hitting and base-running like no one else ever did, Robert Novak mastered
the skills of investigative journalism.

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Was Galileo Guilty?

Was the Inquisition court that condemned the
Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo wrong? The answer is complex
rather than a simple “yes” or “no.”

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Goodnight Prince

It contains more useful information
than any journalism textbook we have seen but don’t expect legendary
reporter Robert Novak’s memoirs to become required reading in
communications classes anytime soon.

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