

Academia Still Reeling From Hoax

Interestingly, when you read the academic reactions they reveal more of what got past reviews by peers and, if you spend any time actually reading real academic articles, what is startling is the uncanny degree to which they do look like the real thing.

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Berkeley Grad Incurs Enmity of the Left

Berkeley Grad Incurs Enmity of the Left

It is ironic that a Berkeley Ph.D. who specializes in helping the homeless and runs a school of social work should incur the enmity of the Left but that is exactly what happened when Will Rainford offered his observations on one of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers.

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Whatever Became Of Soft Skills?

By definition, soft skills should be in more plentiful supply than hard ones but are endangered by trends in both parenting and education and the overlap between the two, a scholar from the Manhattan Institute suggests.

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