From the people who like to paint critics of higher education as anti-intellectual comes a new tome that shows how cerebral the pursuits of the academic publishing world are. The University of Virginia Press has just released Cotton’s Queer Relations: Same-Sex Intimacy and the Literature of the Southern Plantation, 1936-1968, by Michael P. Bibler.
Bibler is an assistant professor of English at Mary Washington. His self-proclaimed areas of expertise are: Gay and Lesbian Studies; Postmodernism; and The Southern Plantation, in that order.
“He has had articles published in Mississippi Quarterly and the anthology Perversion and the Social Relation,” his web site tells us. “He also recently presented papers at conferences held by the American Literature Association, Lavender Languages XII [apparently he missed I through XI], the Modern Language Association [apparently we missed him], Beyond the Islands: Extending the Meaning of Caribbean Cultures and the Society for the Study of Southern Literature.”
Bibler gets rave reviews on, with special note made of his fashion sense and shoe collection.
Malcolm A. Kline is the executive director of Accuracy in Academia.