School boards organization compares parents to domestic terrorists

In a stunning move, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) declared war on parents and teachers across the country. The organization, which represents about 90,000 school board members, asked the Biden administration to impose Big Government, authoritarian measures against parents.
NSBA President Viola Garcia and its CEO, Chip Slaven, in the letter, wrote that school board members are “under an immediate threat.” They cited the “growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation” in public school board meetings due to “propaganda purporting the false inclusion of critical race theory within classroom instruction and curricula.”
The NSBA claimed that vocal parents were engaging in “domestic terrorism” against their members and clamored for the Biden administration to use the Department of Justice (DOJ), the FBI, and Department of Homeland Security against protesting parents. It also made the unprecedented recommendation to have federal authorities use the USA PATRIOT Act (and several anti-violence laws) against parents.
The leaders also asked for help from the U.S. Postal Service’s Inspection Service to “intervene against threatening letters and cyberbullying attacks.” They blasted anti-mask mandate protesters and listed several instances of violent or aggressive protesters at school board meetings.
In effect, the NSBA equated concerned and vocal parents to domestic terrorists, which is a baseless charge and accusation.
The letter ironically states its belief in “public discussions and transparency” are important for school operations, as long as it is done in a “peaceful manner.” Yet, the letter is calling for authoritarian tactics to come down against parents, whose only alleged crime is to voice their opinions and call for transparency from school boards unused to accountability or packed public meetings.