SCOTUS Nominee’s Students Support Him

, Malcolm A. Kline, Leave a comment

Much to the consternation of the larger community at Harvard Law. “Less than two weeks ago, a group of his former students sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee praising Kavanaugh’s presence in the classroom, calling him ‘a rigorous thinker, a devoted teacher, and a gracious person,'” The Harvard Crimson reports. “The letter focused solely on Kavanaugh’s character during his time spent teaching at the Law School and did not explicitly recommend that the Senate confirm him.”

“Eighty former and current students of Kavanaugh signed the letter.”

“But this week, former and current Law School students are speaking out against his nomination in a different letter.”

“More than 200 current and former Harvard Law School students have signed the open letter, which is addressed to Law School Dean John F. Manning ‘82 and the ‘Harvard Law School leadership.'”