Search results for "CAP"


Life Lessons

One of the benefits of the recap of the annual March for Life that anti-abortion activists hold here in our nation’s capital is the glimpse it gives us of the full throttle manner in which abortion is promoted today.

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Behind the School Safety Movement

“Safety” for these coalition members seems strikingly similar to silencing oppositional perspectives on sexuality and substituting sexually “unbiased” connotations for the traditional American conception of family.

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AmeriCorps Blowup

Magree that America needs significant educational reform. For Center for American Progress (CAP) affiliates, at least, the front lines of that reform start with the AmeriCorps.

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Postmodern Epistemologies

Modern Language Association (MLA) professors attempted to answer questions about style and meaning by drawing upon postmodern academics, one of whom belongs to the radical “naturalist” Brights movement.

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Raining Karmas & Dogmas

When “asked by a national climate change campaign to spend a day teaching about global warming, Brown University philosophy professor, Felicia Ackerman, explains why she decided not to do so,” noted Joanne Jacobs in

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Shakespearian Dystopias

Shakespeare’s commentary on science and society was so profound that the famous author Aldous Huxley copied themes wholesale from the Tempest in order to construct the American dystopian classic A Brave World.

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Mugabe in Winter

The world is watching what may seem to be the last moments of the reign of President Robert Mugabe, the autocratic leader of the African nation of Zimbabwe.

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College Prep

Surreal Valentines

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and you should know that homosexual activists, including those on your child’s school campus, will use this as an opportunity to promote their same-sex marriage agenda.

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College Prep

San Diego Policy Postponed

The proposed policy change would eliminate parental notification when children as young as age 12 are let off campus for “confidential medical services,” including abortions and psychiatric counseling.

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