Although less well known as a multilateral government agency than the United Nations, the World Bank still has many of the same problems.
Read the articleThe romantic notion of a powerful underground movement taking hold of a nation and effecting change of international proportions is the hypothesis of journalist David Aikman’s Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity is Transforming China and Changing the Global Balance of Power.
Read the articleThe snowballing effect of evangelical devotion is changing the face of a nation well on its way to becoming a preeminent global power, according to David Aikman, author of Jesus in Beijing.
Read the articleCurrently, columnist Robert Novak’s memoir, The Prince of Darkness is prominently displayed together with Harry Potter in just about every American bookstore.
Read the articleSenator James Inhofe, R-Okla., of the Senate Environmental Public Works Committee issued a written challenge to global-warming advocates, to lead by example and alter their lifestyles toward an environmentally-friendly approach.
Read the articleWhile America may have been content to sit back and ignore political developments in other less powerful countries in the past, aggressive foreign powers have dedicated a significant amount of their time and energy to identify—and exploit— America’s weaknesses.
Read the articleHeated comparisons between the Iraq and Vietnam wars have often been used by public officials ranging from Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) to Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Nebr.) to prove that America must simply ‘pull out’ from its doomed attempts at nation-building in the Middle East. However, a variation of the Vietnam model may actually enhance our military’s ability to counteract the Iraqi insurgency by providing useful data-collection models, the lessons of which can be applied to the Iraq war.
Read the articleThe July 2007 Immigration Bill brought along with it unexpected levels of controversy and public interest.
Read the articleTo show what college and university English Departments are really teaching,
Accuracy in Academia Executive Director Malcolm Kline and former AIA staff writer Julia Seymour compiled The (Real) MLA Stylebook: Highlights of the Modern Language Association’s 2005 Convention.
It turns out that the Supreme Court, at least lately, has been poring over more facts in studying race and education than most public school officials have.
Read the articleAlthough it is known in our nation’s capital as “The Great Divide,” at least one veteran journalist points out that the divisions of opinion on the issue of illegal immigration are between the Washington elite and the rest of the country.
Read the articleWith the recent revelation that the Department of Defense cannot locate more than 50,000 containers, concerns about the government’s ability to equip soldiers on the battlefield prompted Senators Daniel Akaka (D-HI) and George Voinovich (R-OH) to call the fourth senate hearing on DoD supply-chain management since 2005.
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