Young dedicated faces and a clash of viewpoints could be seen during the 33rd annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Read the articleMost recently, studies by a Harvard Economist and the American Council of Trustees and Alumni have noticed disturbing trends in American higher education.
Read the articleFew African studies courses will acknowledge the repression of native regimes on the continent that has occurred since all of Africa’s 54 nations achieved independence from European colonial rule. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention held in Washington, D.C.
Read the articleSolving literacy problems one road trip at a time. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention.
Read the articleIt seems that many English professors just can’t figure out why good men like Joseph Stalin are disliked nowadays. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention held in Washington, D.C.
Read the articleWhile parents may believe they have the sole right to teach their children about sex, at least one court has said otherwise and approved sex surveys being handed out to children without parental consent.
Read the articleDon’t expect red ink marking those comma splices and run-on sentences in your next English class. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention held in Washington, D.C.
Read the articleLooking for a job in a university English department? Come to the MLA convention and pitch an invented field of study and you’re in. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention.
Read the articleEnglish professors like to talk about current events and war for oil theories about Iraq, but rarely do they get their facts straight first. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention held in Washington, D.C.
Read the articleA new report from FIRE attacks the constitutionality of speech codes at North Carolina state colleges.
Read the articleWhen English professors do talk about grammar at the Modern Language Association convention, it is to explain its irrelevance, not its necessity.
Read the article“The pleasure of romance novels sets us up to accept the violence and carnage of Abu Ghraib,” said Professor Teresa L. Ebert. From the 2005 Modern Language Association convention held in Washington, D.C.
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