Search results for "CAP"

Guest Articles

Pope Francis and the economists

Editor’s Note: This article first appeared at and The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College. The recent economic statements by Pope Francis in his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (EG) read as a call for a “Third Way” economic system ruled by experts and people of good will. Pope Francis writes, “Growth in justice requires […]

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Current Wisdom

Alive & Tribal

“Tribalism in the Middle East is not only alive and kicking, it is alive and killing.”
—Dr. Mordechai Kedar, professor of Arabic at Bar Ilan University, in a forum on Capitol Hill sponsored by the Endowment for Middle East Truth.

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Ridiculous Item


“It’s alarming to me that most [Das]Capital-quoters I have encountered are white men.”
—Andrew Seal, Ph.D. candidate in American Studies at Yale. (The Chronicle Review, B16, November 22, 2013.

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War On Football Deconstructed

Football is everywhere in the news today. PBS recently released a documentary entitled “League of Denial” which took the NFL to task for its supposed attempts at covering up medical issues that NFL players were being afflicted with after their time in the league.

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Pedantic @ Penn

Scan through any college catalogue and you will find courses that are painfully obvious, at best, and trivial, at least.

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Education Summit Blasts Republicans

At a National Journal and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-sponsored event in a D.C. Grand Hyatt Hotel conference room, New Jersey Democratic Senator Robert Menendez used the event to slam the Republicans.

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Uncommon Catholic Core

The Obama Administration’s Common Core education initiative may be problematic for private Catholic schools as well as the public ones the program is designed for.

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Revising Stalinist Genocide Up

Recently, an associate professor at Cornell took umbrage at our chiding her for making one reference to Stalin’s death count in an article on the Soviet dictator that seemed to downplay his casualties.

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Common Core Rollbacks?

Common Core, the Obama Administration’s education reform program, has been exposed as untested, subpar and even outdated by international standards, despite the federal government’s sales pitch to states.

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Defending Western history

Recently, one of our favorite authors—Diana West, author of American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character— has been attacked, not from the Left but from prominent pundits who identify themselves as conservatives.

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