Search results for "Jimmy Carter"


Academic Front For PLO

The campus “divestment against Israel” campaign is known for its grassroots, media-grabbing student demonstrations, but was the entire movement actually orchestrated by Palestinian government operatives?

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Book Reviews

The Young and the Rightward

Buoyed by their success in persuading students to “get involved,” left-leaning college professors have overlooked a fundamental law of physics that can apply to human relations as well: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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Of Georgetown Law and Abu Ghraib

A gathering of academics and human rights activists at Georgetown Law last week delivered some predictable broadsides at the Bush regime but also some unexpected critiques of the Clinton Administration.

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Book Reviews

A Conservative in the Academy

If the common saying, “if you are young and not liberal, then you have no heart; but if you are old and not conservative, then you have no brain,” holds true, then why are our academies littered with aging Marxists and radical feminist professors?

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Revisionist Reaganomics

Academics trying to rewrite the Reagan years may need magicians’ mirrors because the actual data don’t support the spin that these “public scholars” would dearly like to put on the 80s.

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How to Spend on Education

The National Education Association wasted no time to use a recent study to affirm the unqualified success of the public-school system and to use it as ammo to further load up in its endless and tireless attack on vouchers and school choice. But there are many things the study doesn’t say, according to Star Parker.

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MLA Abu Ghraib Fantasy

“The pleasure of romance novels sets us up to accept the violence and carnage of Abu Ghraib,” said Professor Teresa L. Ebert. From the 2005 Modern Language Association convention held in Washington, D.C.

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