Search results for "Modern Language Association"

Faculty Lounge

Oh, The Humanity

Seattle, WA—  Those to whom perspiration is part of their actual job might find it surprising that professors view themselves as working in sweatshop conditions.

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Senseless in Seattle

Seattle, WA—  At academic conferences, you can get a pretty good idea of trends in higher education not only from the presentations of tenured professors but also from the offerings of Ph.D. candidates.

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Gaming Higher Education

Seattle, WA—  One of the remarkable things about college today is the degree to which professors and students engage in activity, that for the cost of admission, they could pursue off campus for next to nothing.

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9/11 Academically

Pedagogical testimonies indicate that academia remained immune from the wave of patriotism that swept across the country in the wake of the 9/11 attacks upon America.

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Dr. Strangelove and Company

Although millions have seen this particular movie, it may be safe to say that few of those viewers have examined Dr. Strangelove with the interpretation offered at the MLA.

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