Search results for "Modern Language Association"


Dickens Deconstructed

One of the unfortunate effects of the interdisciplinary approach to education is that it encourages English professors to regard themselves as astute on subjects on which they are clearly not, such as economics.

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CINO Travel Advisory

Another religiously affiliated university trying to be diplomatic may be in danger of becoming Catholic in Name Only (CINO).

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Academics KO Grammar Again

The academic left has painted itself into a peculiar corner. They urge the rejection of traditional grammar as chauvinistic, or, more frequently, “hegemonic.” Unfortunately for them, they eventually have to read papers by students who have previously been taught by teachers who also share this outlook.

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Dovish Deception

Alarmed at the very idea that military recruiters can make direct appeals to high school students, a prominent anti-war academic is making some misleading statements of his own.

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Deconstructing Ellen

When yet another distinguished (read, tenured) academic emerges from the Ivory Tower to defend institutions of higher learning from their, mostly, external, critics, that professor usually proves to be the latest poster child for what is wrong with American colleges and universities today.

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