All the pieces fit, so why do historians and biographers ignore the question?
Read the articleColumnist Ann Coulter likes to remark that for liberals, history began when they woke up in the morning, but it’s also helpful for conservatives to remember that the past has a long shelf-life.
Read the articleHe is now a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Read the articleThe book Debacle: Obama’s War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future quickly cuts to the chase and attacks the problems that are facing America.
Read the articleEd Feulner and Brian Tracy’s book, The American Spirit, is a fundamental explanation of why America is one of the most unique nations in the world.
Read the articleEdward Conard’s book Unintended Consequences attacks the myths surrounding modern economics.
Read the articleAs if he hasn’t had enough bad news, now the presdent faces a study finding him wanting from one of his key constituencies—academia.
Read the articleThere is an obvious teachable moment in the Supreme Court case this week which tests the constitutionality of the Obama Administration’s health care program but most law professors will probably miss it.
Read the articleThe Obama Administration’s ruling that Catholic institutions, including schools, provide birth control, sterilization and abortificants on demand may have had a unifying effect they never bargained for—of Catholics against the policy.
Read the articleMarrying the professoriate to America’s fighting force is a marriage even a Las Vegas official wouldn’t bless yet such a union is taking place right now in Pennsylvania.
Read the articleCo-author of failed foreign policy continues to offer input from academic berth.
Read the articleCapitol Hill habitués here in Washington, D. C. got a chance to experience a bit of what life is like on a college campus today in a debate at the Heritage Foundation on Tuesday.
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