Tom Loveless presented information as to what might be causing the advanced eighth-grade algebra students to fall below national proficiency standards.
Read the articleIt turns out that the “change agent” running for president has yet another colorful associate the media seldom ask him about.
Read the articleToday, combating terrorism still remains a high priority in terms of protecting the liberties and freedoms of democratic countries.
Read the articleThe often-esoteric Modern Language Association is commemorating a conflict too rapidly fading from collective memory—World War II— but the eclectic amalgamation of thousands of college and high school English professors is doing so in a manner that obscures key facts about the war, namely, what was at stake.
Read the articleYale may have extricated itself from one controversy when it rejected the application for a Bachelor’s degree from a former Taliban official already taking classes at the new Haven campus. Nonetheless, today’s sons of Eli foster an atmosphere in which indulgence of terrorism can flourish.
Read the articleR. Cort Kirkwood’s Real Men: Ten Courageous Americans to Know and Admire more than lives up to its title.
Read the articleThe National Education Association wasted no time to use a recent study to affirm the unqualified success of the public-school system and to use it as ammo to further load up in its endless and tireless attack on vouchers and school choice. But there are many things the study doesn’t say, according to Star Parker.
Read the articleCritics of Israel have their own Amen Corner, in academia.
Read the articleHorowitz points the finger at a handful of professors who teach at Catholic colleges and universities in his new book The Professors.
Read the articleWhen I first discovered the work of Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi [pictured], I did come to one conclusion: His thoughts may be bizarre but they are his own. Now, I am not so sure.
Read the articleParents aren’t the only ones bristling over campus political correctness battles, and the prospect of paying over $200,000 per child for four years of college. Contributions from alumni have declined steadily over the past several years and now hover around 13 percent.
Read the articleWhile most students hear one view from the Middle Eastern Studies department on their college campuses, another is emerging albeit without the attention that most Middle Eastern Studies departments get.
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