Search results for "Trump Derangement Syndrome"

Trump Derangement Syndrome is Alive and Well at UCLA
Bias Watch

Trump Derangement Syndrome is Alive and Well at UCLA

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) can take many forms and at UCLA it is the absolute hate and vitriol of Donald Trump after he completed and amazing political comeback by winning the presidential election in November. No sooner than Trump’s victory been declared UCLA’s campus newspaper The Daily Bruin published a hate-filled editorial calling the president-elect […]

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Five Examples of Trump Derangement Syndrome

The Left on college campuses appear to suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome after the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States. Ranging from hate crimes and race hoaxes to not inviting Donald Trump to speak at Notre Dame (which bucks a university tradition since Dwight D. Eisenhower), the Left cannot […]

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Trump Derangement Syndrome

Trump Derangement Syndrome

The Left struggles to come to grips with the reality of a Trump White House. Here are ten examples of college Trump Derangement Syndrome: Notre Dame. Notre Dame’s president, John Jenkins, is weighing whether to invite the president-Elect Donald Trump to speak at the university, which has been an ongoing tradition for more than half […]

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Trump Derangement Syndrome 101: A Primer

Trump Derangement Syndrome 101: A Primer

College professors and their minions lost a presidential election for the first time in eight years and don’t know how to handle it. On college campuses, puppies, coloring books and crying towels are all the rage as professors and students alike try to come to terms with the election results. When we go to the […]

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Trump Provides Teachable Moments for Liberals

There’s a reason why nobody really noticed when major media outlets dropped their education beats: They weren’t doing much to begin with, other than recycling public school press releases. You can get a flavor of this by perusing the articles that the so-called mainstream media occasionally publish on education. For example, the Associated Press (AP), […]

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Five Examples of Anti-Trump Rhetoric on College Campuses

Five Examples of Anti-Trump Rhetoric on College Campuses

Suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, college professors, faculty, administrators and students appear to be unable to cope with an impending Donald Trump presidency. Examples of Trump Derangement Syndrome and anti-Trump rhetoric range from extra credit for an anti-Trump rally, feminist coloring books and creating a ‘sanctuary campus’ for illegal immigrant students: The social work department […]

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