Search results for "abortion"

Guest Articles

‘Demon’ of Gender Theory

Editor’s note: A shorter version of this article first appeared in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. This post can also be read at Vision and Values’ website. Pope Francis has returned to Rome after a historic trip to the United States. It was a fascinating endeavor. There have been many papal visits to America in my lifetime—in […]

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Guest Articles

Planned Parenthood’s Campus Empire

The original post appeared on the website Dissident Prof. Posted October 2, 2015, by Mary Grabar: As reported last week, Planned Parenthood’s lobbying efforts against the vote to deny them federal funds was assisted by Hamilton College, which hosted “performance artist” Rhodessa Jones, along with about a dozen representatives from the local Planned Parenthood Mohawk […]

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Faculty Lounge

YAF Chapter at Gettysburg College Blasted for Flyers on Campus

The College Fix reported: A recently approved Young Americans for Freedom student club at Gettysburg College made quite a debut on campus after its recruitment fliers used the term “anchor babies” and asked of abortion “do you enjoy hugging babies vs killing them,” among other statements. Shortly after posting the literature, left-leaning peers at the […]

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Guest Articles

The Real Nativists

The original piece was published by FGF Books on their website. FRONT ROYAL, VA — Some 30 years ago, Mrs. Alice du Pont Mills invited me to visit her in her expansive Virginia horse farm — several thousand acres of it — about an hour west of Washington. At the time, I was Staff Director […]

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Faculty Lounge

Free Speech is Back at Johns Hopkins?

The College Fix reported: After a string of free-speech controversies related to abortion in recent years, Johns Hopkins University has adopted a statement on academic freedom that’s being praised at least one higher-education group.

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Guest Articles

Planned Parenthood Lobbying as “Classics” Education

Posted September 22, 2015, by Mary Grabar at the Dissident Prof: After the series of undercover films by the Center for Medical Progress showing high-ranking Planned Parenthood executives negotiating the sale of fetal body parts, the House had no trouble passing a bill freezing funding for Planned Parenthood for a year.  This was in spite […]

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Faculty Lounge

8 Catholic Colleges Cut Ties with Planned Parenthood

As Campus Reform noted: In the wake of a Cardinal Newman Society report that revealed dozens of ties between Catholic colleges and universities and the country’s largest abortion provider, eight of the mentioned schools have scrubbed their websites of any ties to Planned Parenthood. According to, Aquinas College, DePaul University, the University of Dayton, […]

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Faculty Lounge

DePaul, a Catholic College, Takes Down Planned Parenthood Volunteering Links after Outcry

College Fix with the latest: Catholic colleges are known for employing many faculty and administrators who oppose the church’s social teaching on abortion and contraception, but one school is learning there are limits to its cooperation with the abortion industry. DePaul University took down Planned Parenthood “volunteering” opportunities from its Career Center and College of Science […]

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Planned Parenthood Under Scrutiny

Planned Parenthood and its supporters have long repeated the mantra that, “women have control over their own bodies,” but what happens after PP helps them decide what to do with them? The recent release of the three documentary videos titled Human Capital from the Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life organization, provides evidence that PP […]

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