Were you ever curious how much American taxpayers subsidize an abortion provider like Planned Parenthood? Here are the numbers:
Read the articleEditor’s Note: Something colleges and collegians need to know before they get involved with this outfit. For years, Planned Parenthood has fought against late-term abortion bans. And now we know why. The earlier babies are aborted, the less profitable their parts are. That’s just one of the nauseating revelations from the undercover video that has the […]
Read the articleWas it a meeting of the National Education Association or the Democratic National Committee? At times it was difficult to tell. The annual gathering of America’s largest teachers union featured everything from a lesbian proposal at the podium to openly celebrating the Supreme Court’s marriage ruling, the NEA’s academic facade continues to crumble. A long-time […]
Read the articleReligious non-profits and colleges must help their employees get abortion pill health insurance coverage, which is a blow to religious liberty.
Read the articleOn Monday June 29, The Institute of World Politics welcomed Dr. Paul G. Kengor to discuss the topic of his recent book, Dupes: How the Communist Left Has Manipulated the Progressive Left for a Century. He presented aspects of his extensive research on the role of the “dupe” in modern American history, exploring how many […]
Read the articleThe 381,517 words of the President’s health care law may be a lot for Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to read, but the Supreme Court should have had no trouble with four. At the heart of the King v. Burwell ObamaCare case was one simple question: Did the words “established by the state” actually mean “established by […]
Read the articleMany Catholics, especially conservative ones, obviously aren’t thrilled with the pope’s new encyclical. I find myself once again spending a lot of time explaining to non-Catholics why the current pope is either not a Marxist or is being yet againmisunderstood for the 999th time. Frankly, I’ve lost most of my credibility with these folks, who surely […]
Read the articleAlthough the media focused on Pope Francis’s views on the environment, they neglected to mention some of his other notable positions in the highly-publicized encyclical “Laudato Si.” For example, Pope Francis had this to say about abortion, in context of respecting the environment: “Since everything is interrelated, concern for the protection of nature is also […]
Read the articleFormer Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s speech that launched his presidential campaign on Monday noted that Hillary Clinton’s “progressive agenda” includes the admonition that traditional religious beliefs “have to be changed.” Mrs. Clinton’s entire quote, in talking about opposition to her version of feminism and demands for abortion, was that “…deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and […]
Read the articleTop Vatican adviser Jeffrey Sachs says that when Pope Francis visits the United States in September, he will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights embodied in the Declaration of Independence. Sachs, a special advisor to the United Nations and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, is a media superstar who can […]
Read the articleThese days, it wouldn’t be a presidential appearance without some gratuitous Christian-bashing. And at yesterday’s roundtable on poverty, President Obama didn’t disappoint. During the panel discussion at Georgetown University, President Obama took the common goal of helping the poor and used it to drive an even deeper wedge between his administration and people of faith. […]
Read the articleAt the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., William Duncan, the executive director of Marriage and Family Law Research Grant at BYU, tracked marriage language over the past fifty years in several U.S. Supreme Court cases, from Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965 to the current case facing the court over same-sex marriage. Marriage was relatively […]
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