An aspect of the Clinton Years that most academic historians might miss: When Larry Flynt is feeling righteous, he describes himself as a crusader: for civil liberties in general and free speech in particular.” So begins a profile of porn king Larry Flynt in Bloomberg. “But now Bloomberg Politics can exclusively report that the impresario […]
Read the articleA pro-life display, with crosses representing the number of abortions a day, has riled up at least 200 people at the University of Texas-Arlington who signed a petition to ask it to be removed.
Read the articleAs The College Fix reported: “A pro-choice, pro-LGBT activist whose website glorifies abortion doctors as “heroes” and offers tutorials on transsexual sex is set to headline a feminism week observance at Saint Louis University, a controversial decision organizers are defending as in line with the college’s Catholic identity. But the controversial keynote speaker for the […]
Read the articleStanton Evans joked about his “Law of Inadequate Paranoia” at the Thirty Fifth Annual The Pumpkin Papers Irregulars dinner on October 31, 2012. He said, “No matter how bad you think something is, when you look into it, it is always worse.” The comment was a humorous look at America’s internal security problems. People laughed, […]
Read the articleThe National Organization for Women (NOW) advocates for abortion, which goes contrary to Catholic doctrine. But, this isn’t the first time the University of St. Thomas has come under fire for aligning with pro-abortion organizations, as they also approve internship credits for NARAL and Planned Parenthood.
Read the articleWhen academics offer recommendations on how to strengthen families, they usually involve making left-wing policies stronger. At the Center for American Progress (CAP) on Monday, January 12, 2015, George Washington University law professor Naomi Cahn endorsed the think tank’s recommendations for “strengthened American families” which included a higher minimum wage and a higher earned income […]
Read the articleAcademics have made a cottage industry of their concern over human rights but their consciousness gets raised pretty selectively. “In August, Yale University announced a new undergraduate program in human rights,” Eric A. Posner wrote in The Chronicle Review on November 21, 2014. “It joins other human-rights programs, institutes, and clinics that have spread like […]
Read the articleIt is one thing to be ignorant of a law. There are so many out there that none of us can keep track of them all, including the lawyers. It is quite another matter to be behind the curve on a statute you are debating. While the outcome of the Hobby Lobby Stores v. Burwell […]
Read the articleWhile the so-called “conservative war on women” remains a favorite topic of talking heads, actual assaults on the gender are increasingly coming from the political Left. “Obamacare affects women,” Mattie Duppler, of Americans for Tax Reform said at a Republican Studies Committee panel discussion on women’s issues. For example, the Independent Mandate Tax takes 2.5% […]
Read the articleThe Heritage Foundation’s annual Scholar’s and Scribes event held on July 8th discussed the Supreme Court’s 2013 – 2014 term. The discussion about the cases focused around women’s health, the First Amendment, and racial discrimination. A member of the scholars’ panel, John Malcom, Director of Legal and Judicial Studies at Heritage, remarked that this was […]
Read the articleThe latest issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education includes a special supplement on “Diversity in Academe” that is only missing one thing.
Read the articleCatholic colleges operating in the secular world could go the way of Protestant colleges in the last century or so.
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