Search results for "abortion"

News, Perspectives

Awakening on Catholic Campuses

The Obama Administration’s ruling that Catholic institutions, including schools, provide birth control, sterilization and abortificants on demand may have had a unifying effect they never bargained for—of Catholics against the policy.

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Those Who Stood Up

While the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has been leading the charge in opposition to the United States Department of Health and Human Services Healthcare Mandate, one fearless academic has not remained silent.

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Catholic Scholars Blast GOP

Forty-four scholars signed onto an open letter critical of former U. S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) and former U. S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) but a look at the signatories raises more questions about them than about the presidential candidates.

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AIA Honor Roll

Occasionally we actually get to cover professors whom we like. In fact, we calculate that of the 149 professors who we have covered so far this year, we’ve had nice things to say about a fifth of them.

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AIA College Guide

The one thing that our college guide has in common with the better-known one put out by U. S. News & World Report is that many of the same schools appear on both.

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9/11 Academically

Pedagogical testimonies indicate that academia remained immune from the wave of patriotism that swept across the country in the wake of the 9/11 attacks upon America.

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