Accuracy in Academia has lost a dear friend and peerless contributor with the passing of modern-day man of letters Joe Sobran.
Read the articleA recent guest commentary in The Tower, the independent newspaper at Catholic University, leads to questions about what the Church’s institutions, including the Church itself, teach the faithful about the faith.
Read the articleThe University of North Carolina has concocted a compromise on its abortion coverage that illustrates why such gestures can leave pro-lifers compromised.
Read the articleA tiny town on Cape Cod has taken one thing off its back-to-school list: parental involvement. To the astonishment of most every media outlet in America, the Provincetown school board voted unanimously to pass out condoms to all students—starting with first graders.
Read the articleIf there is one place where common sense seems often in short supply, it is in the classroom, be it in kindergarten or all the way up through higher education.
Read the articleGiving academics the opportunity to do whatever they want with the federal government may not be the brightest idea on the planet.
Read the articleHere’s the question: On the heels of Climategate, will the media overlook an effort by the United Nations to hide yet another decline, also aided and abetted by academia?
Read the articleA family has sued Carmel Clay Schools for what the father deems “harassment” of his daughter by a bus driver working for the school district.
Read the articleWhen feminist scholars go through the historical archives, there is a good chance that they will miss material that does not support their viewpoint.
Read the articleIn the Catholic Church, kindly priests used to tell zealous Catholics, “You can’t be holier than the Church.” These days, that doesn’t always seem so hard to do.
Read the articleOne of the most interesting sideshows of the healthcare debate was the dustup between the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops—which opposed enactment because the law subsidizes abortions—and the Catholic Health Association (CHA), which lobbied tirelessly for enactment, claiming that the law does not violate Catholic teaching on abortion.
Read the articleLate Friday afternoon, while the media was distracted with the Supreme Court’s new vacancy and speculation as to whom the President may tap, the administration quietly abandoned their nomination of another radical—militant feminist Dawn Johnsen (the President’s choice for assistant attorney general at the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC).
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