Search results for "abortion"

Faculty Lounge

It’s For the Children

The next time that you hear public school poobahs use this line, which usually precedes a property tax hike, think of this: “San Diego school officials have upset pro-life advocates by adopting a new policy making it so teenagers no longer need parental consent for a host of activities, including abortion,” Life News reports.

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Yes It Can

The Alliance Defense Fund and Professionals for Ethics filed a lawsuit with the European Court of Human Rights Friday on behalf of more than 300 parents and children challenging compulsory anti-Christian education for Spain’s public and private school students.

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Girls Scouts Go Wild

While Girl Scouts around the country went door to door selling cookies, their national representatives were trying to explain a sex brochure distributed at a UN meeting the GSA was represented at.

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Opinionated & Illiterate?

AJC: The Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) documents the growth, or lack thereof, of civic literacy in higher education in its annual American Civic Literacy report.

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A generation or two weaned on such public school textbooks as Heather Has Two Mommies may be passing their final exam on such texts. “Most tweens and teens (59%) now feel that ‘gay or lesbian relations are OK, if that is the person’s choice,’” the Harris poll reports.

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Why Campuses Are Blue

AJC: A key reason why few conservatives go into the teaching profession is that the job of a professor does not fit the image many conservatives have of themselves, two scholars argued.

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Stand and Deliver What?

Most third and fourth graders barely know what sex is, let alone have any desire to try it. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is advocating in a new report, “Stand and Deliver.”

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Faculty Lounge

Stimulated Avatars of Abandon

With evidence mounting that abstinence education helps prevent all of the maladies that government and school officials claim that they want to protect us from, these worthies are doing their utmost to give us…even more of the same policies that produced those outcomes in the first place.

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Students for Free Speech

James Bopp Jr, today filed a friend-of-the court brief in a U.S. Supreme Court case involving the rights of student groups on university campuses to determine the ideological requirements for membership in the group.

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