The sudden emergence of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on the political scene has not gone unnoticed by the radical left. Playwright Eve Ensler noted recently that she was having “Sarah Palin nightmares.”
Read the articleEvidently, women’s studies types have found at least one woman they may not want to study, at least as a role model.
Read the articleWell, it depends on who you ask. According to Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, the Son of God and Author of life would be in favor of suctioning viable babies from their mothers’ wombs and killing them.
Read the articleSenator Jim Demint (R-SC) said that unwed pregnant women should not be schoolteachers, and the media accused him of intolerance.
Read the articleIt’s that time again. The National Education Association teacher’s union met in Washington, D.C. over July 4th week for its annual convention and to endorse Barack Obama for president.
Read the articleWith Barack Obama attempting to reach out to conservative Christians, and Focus on the Family’s James Dobson’s rejection, one questions remains: what role should religion play in politics?
Read the articleSurprisingly, my recent article on the subject raised complaints not from Dr. Schatzberg, but from Dr. Bernard Carroll and UCLA Professor Dr. Robert Rubin—two doctors who confronted Dr. Schatzberg for his shoddy science and conflicts-of-interest in 2004.
Read the articleNow, it seems, even the saints have become political totems, with one church using St. Francis of Assisi to lobby for cap-and-trade.
Read the articleIn reality, the ACLU bears a closer resemblance to the insulated plutocrats it inveighs against than it does to any underdog that you can think of.
Read the articleSeveral schools would receive a “B” or higher if this were an examination, and thus merit inclusion in this survey of Excellent American Colleges and Universities. Here they are, with a few brief insights.
Read the articleFor our survival as a nation, to advance the cause of liberty and preserve what is left of our Judeo-Christian culture, faith and reason must infuse the life of an American college. Do any institutions in our land value these imperatives?
Read the articleThe 2008 National Education Association (NEA) conference is expected to focus more on the nation’s political season than on the well-being of American students.
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