Search results for "abortion"


Anti-Catholic Education

The faithful are increasingly likely to face hostility to their beliefs in secular educational settings, the Catholic League’s 2007 Report on Anti-Catholicism shows.

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CINO in Camelot

Oddly, even reporters on the education beat seem to have failed to grasp the significance of a meeting that took place 44 years ago of the Catholics they like to cover the most—the Kennedy family and Jesuit theologians.

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Life Lessons

One of the benefits of the recap of the annual March for Life that anti-abortion activists hold here in our nation’s capital is the glimpse it gives us of the full throttle manner in which abortion is promoted today.

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Racism of Planned Parenthood

Lila Rose, a pro-life student and reporter at UCLA, launched an undercover investigation aimed at exposing the racism of the nation’s largest abortion merchant. Students there are so infuriated by the investigation that they are petitioning the university to cut all affiliation with Planned Parenthood.

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College Prep

Just The Facts?

A joint project by the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Psychological Association (APA) is giving parents 16,000 new reasons to question the agenda of national teachers’ union leaders.

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Pure Valentines

Leading up to February 14, 2008, which is the Fifth Annual Day of Purity, youth are actively promoting purity by distributing flyers, wearing white Day of Purity T-shirts and LivePure wristbands and organizing events in their schools, communities and churches.

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Title IX Termagants

Not content to merely disrupt college sports with federal Title IX rules that mandate parity between men’s and women’s sports whether the ladies want to play or not, feminists are trying to feminize science, even if women do not want to pursue it as a career.

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College Prep

San Diego Policy Postponed

The proposed policy change would eliminate parental notification when children as young as age 12 are let off campus for “confidential medical services,” including abortions and psychiatric counseling.

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NCAA Chooses Life

In the nine months since ESPN blew the whistle on pro-abortion policies in the NCAA, the Division I Management Council has been forced to do some soul-searching.

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Roe v. Wade Goes Global

There is a trend visible in the international community as the right to abortion slowly becomes international law, a report issued last fall by the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute (CFHRI) shows.

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