Search results for "abortion"


Behind the SAF Scenes

Surprising exchanges took place between Ward Churchill and a number of conservatives “backstage” at the recent Academic Freedom Conference.

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Duquesne Downer

Normally one would expect that when attending a Catholic university that that the school would follow the teachings of the church on issues of abortion, homosexuality etc…

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First Amendment Cliques

Conservative and libertarian professors and students find themselves up against the wall when defending their free speech rights largely because of the so-called guardians of academic freedom.

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The Glass Ceiling of Women’s Studies

Colleges and universities spend billions on women’s studies programs, mostly at the taxpayers’ expense, but coeds are avoiding these programs to a greater extent than television viewers avoid the WB.

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CINO Checklist

Faith & Family magazine may have come up with a great way of determining whether schools that nominally share the religion of Pope Benedict XVI are actually Catholic in Name Only (CINO).

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Catholic Law?

New York, N. Y.—Last summer, about two dozen law school professors from nominally Catholic colleges and universities protested the then-pending nomination of U. S. Supreme Court nominee John Roberts, a Catholic convert, but they did not do so from a Catholic perspective.

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