Search results for "climate change"


Globe Cools to Warming

Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney teamed up earlier this year to create a rebuttal film, Not Evil, Just Wrong to discuss the scientific inaccuracies and the hidden agendas of Al Gore’s smash hit An Inconvenient Truth.

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Taxes: A Love Story

What impact do taxes have on the budgetary process?  A conference hosted by the Center for American Progress (CAP) on September 30, 2009 featured panelists who discussed this question and other issues regarding the national debt.

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Guest Articles, Perspectives

Catholicism Coopted

Some pro-life Catholics are acting shocked that the Vatican warmly greeted the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama, who is pro-abortion. They don’t seem to understand that the Vatican and Obama agree on most major international issues.

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Why So Harsh?

At a time when the United States needs to focus on economic growth, “cap-and-trade” legislation proposed by Congressional Democrats has the potential to stifle job creation and unduly burden American businesses.

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Not Easy Being Green

New “green” regulations being considered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could put small businesses in the red, warned some panelists at an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) discussion on July 24th.

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Vatican Ties to U.N.

When the leader of 1.2 billion Catholics, Pope Benedict XVI, endorsed a “World Political Authority” in his encyclical Caritas in Veritate, it was big news that could only be understood in the context of the growing power and influence of the U.N.

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Chicken Little Lays Egg

Ever since global warming made the leap from scientific theory to purported scientific law, there has been a shortage of discussion on the effects of the policies aimed to combat it.

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