Search results for "climate change"


U.S. Policy in Africa

At an Africa Action event in collaboration with Howard University African Studies Department, U.S. policy in Africa under the Obama Administration was discussed.

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World Melts With U.S.

The Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community gave the new Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair his first opportunity to address a senate committee on the “far-reaching impact of the global economic crisis.”

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A World At Risk

In an increasingly global world, the threats facing the U.S. and its allies are more interconnected than ever.

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Biofueled Food Shortages?

Despite experts’ efforts to find conventional and affordable ways to raise livestock, to grow healthy vegetation, while protecting the environment still remains a major problem in the 21st century.

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They Call the Wind Energy

The solutions to the energy crisis and relief for unemployment woes can all be found across the pond in Europe, according to a panel at the Center for American Progress.

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Hopeful Science

The Center for American Progress’s progressive vision for scientific research has now made it to print, and focuses on topics such as health, economic mobility, and global warming.

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Soothsayer ABC’s

The American public continues to be bombarded with fantastic messages of the Earth’s impending doom as a result of global warming.

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