Search results for "climate change"


Earth Shoe Academies

Academics like to cultivate an image of themselves as cutting edge. Actually, while they may be more up-to-date than flat-earth theories, they are frequently not quite as far ahead of the curve as earth shoes.

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Oxman Gored

University of Miami law school professor gets tripped up by events while promoting the Law of the Sea Treaty.

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An Inconvenient Truth Squad

Though the mainstream media has kept the facts well-hidden, and Hollywood would proclaim otherwise, global warming skeptics not only exist, but they are plentiful in number. Furthermore, a fair number of the skeptics are scientists and experts in meteorology, and some are even converted Kyoto supporters.

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Global Deceit

This July, Washington Post writer Marc Kaufman championed a two-year Global Warming study by the Union of Concerned Scientists in his article, “Study: Inaction on Warming Will Be Disruptive, Costly.” The study, which the author obviously supports, makes sweeping pronouncements about the global Armageddon to come.

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Book Reviews

Inconvenient Global Warming Myths

When audiences ask Christopher Horner, author of the Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming, why he hasn’t made a video of his rebuttal to former Vice President Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth,” he responds, “Well, just imagine 90 minutes of icebergs not melting…”

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An Inconvenient University

Believe it or not, environmental regulations, whether of the top-down government variety or the self-directed sort, have not been all that easy for environmentally conscious colleges and universities either.

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College Prep

Churchill Not Relevant Enough

Sir Winston Churchill may have been voted the best Briton ever, but if a national curriculum proposal is approved the former Prime Minister will be relegated to the dust bin of history as he will be removed from a list of figures that secondary school children must learn about in Great Britain.

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Global Warming and Critical Thinking

There is something about global warming that makes even the most credentialed academics who are on record with their devotion to critical thinking completely avoid that practice or apply it in odd ways when it comes to the alleged “greenhouse effect.”

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Book Reviews

Global Warming Iced

Thanks to senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute Christopher Horner, and his new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism, there is now a resource to deflate the global warming hype.

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