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Green Unemployment

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As universities cheerfully prepare their students for the “green jobs” they are sure will await them when they graduate, curriculum development specialists might be neglecting just one thing: How to find “green jobs” when they are invisible.

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Yawning at Subsidiarity

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One of the most interesting sideshows of the healthcare debate was the dustup between the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops—which opposed enactment because the law subsidizes abortions—and the Catholic Health Association (CHA), which lobbied tirelessly for enactment, claiming that the law does not violate Catholic teaching on abortion.

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Gone But Not Forgotten

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AJC: The Family Research Council commemorated the fifth anniversary of the death of Terri Schiavo by hosting a panel discussion, “Terri Schiavo and a Culture of Life: Looking Forward on the Anniversary of Terri’s Death,” in Washington, D.C. on Monday, March 29.

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National Security Takes a Hit

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A little less than a year after an academic and other groups wrote the Secretaries of State, Homeland Security and Justice demanding that the Obama Administration end President Bush’s “practice of ‘ideological exclusion’” in its visa policy, it seems that two Muslim academics previously barred entry could soon be making their way to American soil with visas in hand.

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