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Math Classic Returns

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Time after time, our feel-good, faddish government education system blithely abandons proven teaching practices for the “pedagogy du jour.” When fads fail – and they invariably do – educators “discover” what others have known all along: namely, that learning requires hard work, lots of it.

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CIA Journalism School

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If there is a rogue element in the CIA that is manipulating the press and the government behind the scenes, is this not a story that should be told? Those who run our journalism schools don’t seem to think so.

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Schools Need Tough Love Reform

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Discussions of school reform often result is shouting matches and excercises in passing the buck rather than honest discussion and creative ideas about how to fix public education, but a group of educators that spoke at AEI recently have a problem with that approach.

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MLA Misinformation

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English professors like to talk about current events and war for oil theories about Iraq, but rarely do they get their facts straight first. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention held in Washington, D.C.

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