Search results for "feed"


No Cliché Left Behind

Yet another reason to dread federal control of education: federal officials. For one thing, they actually believe all of that class warfare rhetoric.

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CINO Schools Lose Foothold

One Catholic college made the U. S. News & World Report lists of “most popular” among applicants and “most loved” by alumni and it is none of the ones the media like to cover—those institutions that could be called Catholic in Name Only (CINO).

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Censorship on the Left

One of the few places Americans can go to for the history that schools deny them has been, whatever his quirks, The Glenn Beck Show. Apparently, this is one too many outlets for the committed Left.

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The Root of Sexism

In an age rich in anomalies, here is yet another one: The very quarter which pumps out reams of studies on the dangers of sexism can’t get its collective mind off the root of that word.

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