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Sicko Again

When it first came out, I predicted that the Michael Moore “health care documentary” Sicko [1] would soon be used in college courses. I was off: It’s being used in a high school.

“Dismayed that her literature and composition final required analyzing Michael Moore’s Sicko, Missouri high school senior Celeste Finkenbine filed a complaint with her principal,” The Education Reporter [2] reports. “The 18-year-old said the screed against the American health care system is ‘so far on the left side I don’t think it should have been shown in school,’ and that the teacher called her a ‘teabagger’ (a sexual slur) in class.”

“The district confirmed that Debra Blessman violated school policy by failing to consult with an administrator before showing a film in class, but would not say if she would be disciplined.” The Education Reporter is published by a conservative group called the Eagle Forum.

Over at BigGovernment.com, Bob McCarty [3] tried to contact the principal and got mostly evasions. Finkenbine attended Francis Howell High School in St. Charles, Missouri.

Malcolm A. Kline is the Executive Director of Accuracy in Academia [4].

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