Articles tagged: "Academe blog"


Professor Ridicules Without Rebutting Republican Congressman

A source, and sometimes target, of these dispatches, Professor Martin Kich of Wright State University, used the academe blog maintained by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) to denigrate conservative U. S. Representative Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, but without quite answering what he viewed as the congressman’s misstatements.


Silent Sam Still With Us

He may be out of sight but he’s still around somewhere in the vicinity of his former roost–the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Academia Still Reeling From Hoax

Interestingly, when you read the academic reactions they reveal more of what got past reviews by peers and, if you spend any time actually reading real academic articles, what is startling is the uncanny degree to which they do look like the real thing.

Faculty Lounge

How An Academic Article Got Banned

An English professor from Linfield College shows us how, while making the case for this and other forms of curtailment of academic freedom and free expression on campus.


Teacher’s Union’s: Quo Vadis?

The U. S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Janus public employee union fees case is breaking down into a question of self-determination or self-preservation but which side is which?


Make CU Great Again

One of the many ironies or paradoxes of life in academia is that freedom of speech never is more complex than when it is discussed by people who speak for a living.

Faculty Lounge

AAUP Dishes On Duncan

It is worthy of note when someone from the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) criticizes a Democratic U. S. Secretary of Education, even if the latter’s tenure has expired.