Articles tagged: "AEI"

Teachers Who Pray

Teachers Who Pray

There is actually an organized group by that name, and they are mostly in public schools.

Teacher Strikes of Spring 2018

Teacher Strikes of Spring 2018

If you didn’t know that thousands of teachers went on strike this year, it’s probably because the media outlets you consult didn’t cover the strikes much.

Where Media Bias Tilts On Education Reform
Faculty Lounge

Where Media Bias Tilts On Education Reform

The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) proves that media bias leans towards Democratic Party education reforms rather than Republican ones and they’ve proved it scientifically, or at least social scientifically.

Faculty Lounge

Getting Unemployed By Degree

Following the “no good jobs without college” mantra to it’s logical conclusion, one might conclude that if some higher education is good, more is even better.

Faculty Lounge


Former Florida governor Jeb Bush will bring his legendary low energy to the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), ostensibly to promote Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) but we wouldn’t be against him giving a shout out, or the Bush family equivalent of one, to Common Core.