Conservative scholar Charles Murray spoke at Middlebury College last year and was shouted down by protesters who claimed that the scholar was a fascist and racist because of some of his past writings on economics and society.
Scholar Charles Murray was called a “white nationalist” by Harvard students, who do not agree with the premise of his 1994 book on nature-vs.-nurture in ethnic groups.
None of the sixty-seven students who participated in the disruptive protest at Middlebury College will be expelled or suspended, but they will be placed on probation and other disciplinary measures, announced the college.
A young liberal college student at Williams College is trying to arrange non-liberal speakers to come and speak to his fellow students, contrary to the reaction at Cal-Berkeley.
The Daily Pennsylvanian criticized other student newspapers for not standing up for the freedom of speech in light of riots and protests at Cal-Berkeley and Middlebury College.