Topic: Common Core

Common Core Subtraction


Big name Republicans giving their full-throated support to the Obama Administration’s Common Core education reforms don’t dwell too much on what they are. They don’t look good in close-up. “Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in…

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Common Core Not OK


After months of intense, grassroots push-back, opponents of the White House’s Common Core program won another big prize: Oklahoma. This week, the Sooners became the third state to officially dump the President’s education standards, complaining…

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Extending Common Core


The deputy assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education spoke at the left-wing think tank Center for American Progress this past week. After his remarks, several leaders of afterschool nonprofit programs participated in a panel…

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Grand Old Common Core


Attempts by the Republican establishment to address educational and cultural issues are never pretty. They either try a ham-handed, top-down approach to “make things right” or invest prevailing, and often dubious, approaches with a Republican…

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Decoding Common Core Math


If the Common Core education reforms introduced by President Obama and supported by big-name Republicans were subject to peer review, they might become a “whatever became of?” question. “Take, for example, my first-grade son’s Common…

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