Faculty Lounge Abandoning Defensive Crouch Conservative Constitutionalism Spencer Irvine December 15, 2016 Randy Barnett of Georgetown Law wrote a great piece on conservatives going full-throttle, with Constitution in hand, under the Trump…
Faculty Lounge Writer: Obama has Expanded Unchecked Government Power Spencer Irvine November 4, 2016 Our friend George Leef with the insightful read on expanding government power under Barack Obama: We face, as the book’s…
Faculty Lounge The Left’s All-Out Assault on the First Amendment Spencer Irvine October 21, 2016 The Left wants to silence opposition: The Constitution has long been subject to attacks from individuals hostile to its guarantees…
Perspectives When to Take the Fifth (Amendment) Malcolm A. Kline October 5, 2016 The Fifth Amendment may be the Left’s favorite entry on the Bill of Rights but a relatively conservative law professor…
Perspectives The U. S. Constitution: The Ultimate Endangered Species Malcolm A. Kline September 17, 2016 Back during the 1972 campaign, satirist Mort Sahl, long thought to be a man of the Left but actually quite…
Faculty Lounge Indiana’s Fraternities’ 4th Amendment Rights Could be at Risk Under New Policy Spencer Irvine August 24, 2016 The U.S. Constitution was written the way it was for a reason: Update on a proposal that has just become explicit policy:…
Faculty Lounge Libertarians Remind Americans that Both Democrats, GOP Like a Surveillance State Spencer Irvine August 2, 2016 Reason pointed out that despite Obama’s speech (and Leon Panetta, one of Obama’s appointees) at the DNC convention last week,…
Faculty Lounge 7th Circuit Court Judge Called Tributes to Late Justice Antonin Scalia “Absurd” Spencer Irvine June 30, 2016 A sitting judge of the 7th Circuit Court, Richard Posner, said that tributes to the late Justice Antonin Scalia are “absurd.” He also said that judges shouldn’t have to sit down and read the Constitution extensively. Huh?
Faculty Lounge CUNY is Looking at Free Speech Zones Spencer Irvine June 23, 2016 Apparently, CUNY wants to restrict free speech by imposing free speech zones. That sounds illegal and unconstitutional.
Perspectives Cheryl Chumley Explains America’s “Police State,” Offers Solution Alex Nitzberg June 9, 2016 A confluence of abridged liberties will transform the United States into a nation “…where the government is basically policing every…
Book Reviews Defending Our republican Constitution Spencer Irvine March 2, 2016 Randy Barnett, the Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory at the Georgetown University Law Center, director of the Georgetown Center…
Faculty Lounge Does Freedom of Religion Extend to the Classroom? Spencer Irvine December 3, 2015 It’s a valid question and a good take from an AFA Journal piece.