Perspectives, Video AIA Author’s Night with Dr. William B. Allen, Former U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Spencer Irvine November 25, 2015 Check out our last Author’s Night for 2015 with Dr. William B. Allen.
Faculty Lounge Some Texas Colleges are Limiting the Right to Carry Guns, Contrary to State Law Spencer Irvine November 23, 2015 As Campus Reform reported, the Texas Attorney General is being asked about the legality of restrictions on college campuses: Republican…
Faculty Lounge Professors and Administrators Believe the US Constitution is Oppressive Spencer Irvine November 3, 2015 Project Veritas always finds a way to expose the truth about liberals.
Guest Articles History Lesson on the Death Penalty Cliff Kincaid October 3, 2015 Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia notes that support for the death penalty has been part of Christian and Catholic tradition…
Faculty Lounge Poll: 55% of Christian Millennials say Religious Freedom is Worse Off Today than 10 Years Ago Spencer Irvine September 24, 2015 An Alliance Defending Freedom-commissioned poll revealed how religious freedom is under attack, at least in the minds among religious people…
Perspectives The Truth about the Magna Carta Spencer Irvine September 20, 2015 The details surrounding the Magna Carta are often overlooked, but it remains a revered document. Author David Starkey explained the…
Faculty Lounge 33% of College Graduates can’t Name the Bill of Rights Spencer Irvine September 10, 2015 The results are not encouraging, but this is because only 18% of colleges require students to take a course in…
Faculty Lounge More Editorials Push for Due Process Protections on College Campuses Spencer Irvine September 8, 2015 Here’s a list of editorials that are clamoring for reason while college disciplinary committees routinely ignore due process.
Book Reviews, Perspectives Book Review: ‘Truth Overruled’ and the Case for Traditional Marriage Spencer Irvine September 2, 2015 Marriage quality, gay rights and “love is love” are common refrains that the Left uses in order to dismantle traditional…
Faculty Lounge Professors Divided on Birthright Citizenship Spencer Irvine August 27, 2015 Interesting how there’s actually division among professors on this topic.
Faculty Lounge Federal Court rules Student can pass out Constitutions and Religious Material Spencer Irvine June 14, 2015 Interesting court case, as the College Fix noted: “A Washington state high school’s rule that would have blocked students from…
Faculty Lounge Democrats say Universities should Prosecute Sexual Assault Cases outside Criminal Justice System Spencer Irvine June 12, 2015 This sounds very illegal and a blatant violation of due process and one’s constitutional rights, Senator Claire McCaskill and Senator…