Faculty Lounge The Atlantic: Middlebury College Violence shows Liberals have to Defend Free Speech for Conservatives, Too Spencer Irvine March 10, 2017 If one side of the political spectrum cannot speak freely, such as conservatives on liberal college campuses, then how long…
Faculty Lounge ‘Hostile Work Environment’ Claim Filed due to Milo Yiannopoulos’s Speech Spencer Irvine March 9, 2017 From The College Fix: A doctoral student is accusing the University of Washington of creating a hostile work environment by…
Faculty Lounge Scholar Charles Murray Reflects on the Middlebury College Disruptive Protest Spencer Irvine March 8, 2017 Charles Murray, an AEI scholar, was called a racist and white supremacist, among many names thrown at him from the…
Faculty Lounge Professor Physically Attacked by Black Bloc Agitators at Middlebury during Protest of Debate Spencer Irvine March 7, 2017 A liberal professor, set to moderate a debate featuring Charles Murray, had to wear a neck brace after her hair…
Perspectives Betsy DeVos Pledged to Protect Free Speech at Schools Malcolm A. Kline March 6, 2017 If U. S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos came to the Conservative Political Action Conference in order to establish her…
Faculty Lounge College Lecturer at CSU-Fullerton Suspended for Striking a Student at Protest Spencer Irvine March 1, 2017 From The College Fix: California State University-Fullerton lecturer Eric Canin has been suspended by the school for his actions against…
Faculty Lounge University of New Mexico Student Gov’t Partially Funds Conservative Speakers, but Liberals are Outraged Spencer Irvine The University of New Mexico student government decided to partially fund two conservative speakers, Christina Hoff Sommers and Ben Shapiro,…
Perspectives SCOTUS Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Reassured Liberal Audience She Won’t Retire Soon Spencer Irvine At a speech at the George Washington University, Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg addressed a variety of topics, ranging from…
Perspectives Report: 38% of American Colleges have Bias Response Teams that Focus on Speech Spencer Irvine February 27, 2017 Per the Foundation of Individual Rights in Education (known as FIRE), bias response teams are oppressing free speech across college…
Faculty Lounge UCLA Students Blocked from Registering for ‘Free Speech on Campus’ Course Spencer Irvine February 25, 2017 From The College Fix: A conservative communications professor at UCLA claims his department chair is effectively blocking students from enrolling…
Faculty Lounge College Student Suspended after Recording Professor’s Anti-Trump Rant Spencer Irvine February 16, 2017 The controversy began when a video clip went viral on the internet, where an Orange Coast College professor named Olga…
Faculty Lounge Bucknell Professor: If You invite Milo Yiannopoulos to Speak, You should Pay a ‘Steep and Lasting Price’ Spencer Irvine February 15, 2017 This isn’t how free speech works, economics professor Marcellus Andrews of Bucknell: The Tab reports Professor Marcellus Andrews had sent an open…