Faculty Lounge Michelle Malkin: Cop Killer Lovers Unite Post-Ferguson and Post-Baltimore Spencer Irvine May 7, 2015 Another great take from Michelle Malkin on the pro-cop-killers movement that’s re-emerged after the Ferguson and Baltimore riots. It’s despicable,…
Faculty Lounge Michelle Malkin: Hillary Clinton’s Common Core-type Past Spencer Irvine April 15, 2015 As always, Michelle Malkin does her homework and digs up facts about Common Core and their supporters. Hillary Clinton, recently-announced…
Faculty Lounge Michelle Malkin: Jeb Bush and His Common Core Cronies Spencer Irvine March 19, 2015 Malkin’s great take on Jeb Bush and why he is so adamant to defend his Common Core stance (i.e. it’s…
News, Perspectives Where Common Core Pays $$$ Malcolm A. Kline January 7, 2015 It’s interesting that the people who are usually in a fruitless search for Republican fat cats have failed to notice…