A college course requires its students to attend the annual “White Privilege Conference” in order to get credit for the course, because the course’s materials build up to the conference and its workshops.
Shreena Gandhi, a religious studies professor at Michigan State University, claimed that white students who do yoga are enjoying a “system of oppression.”
An assistant director for LGBTQIA programs at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Jonathan Pryor, wrote in an academic journal that LGBT centers like his marginalize LGBT students due to perpetuating “homonormative whiteness.”
What is a ‘feminist ethnographer’? A Grinnell professor is teaching a course about “American whiteness” and will probably tell you why she used this description for herself.
New School in New York issued a guide that told professors that they could create “environmental microaggressions” if they assign books written by “white cisgender” male authors.