Texas Prof Says POTUS Triggers Microaggression

She claims that thanks to President Trump, academia is no longer her happy place. “A professor at the University of St. Thomas in Texas recently blamed the Trump administration for the rise in microaggressions she and her colleagues have allegedly faced from each other since the 2016 election,” Toni Airaksinen reports on the Campus Reform blog maintained by The Leadership Institute. “Nicole Walters published ‘Trump’s America is Making Microaggressions an Even Greater Reality for Women Faculty of Color’ in the recent issue of the peer-reviewed academic journal Women, Gender, and Families of Color.”
“Walters—who is also a Dean at the Texas institution—cites the alleged rise in microaggressions on her campus as a ‘marked difference from President Barack Obama’s ethos of inclusivity and his message of hope and unity.'” So how come the former president’s IRS didn’t include any progressive groups when the unified the TEA Party as a target?